Pacific Church Network, formerly known as the Conservative Baptist Association (CB) of Southern California, started in 1954. We were an association of churches and ministries coming together to defend and promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have churches in Southern Californian, Hawaii, Guam and in Seattle.

Presidents of the Network throughout the years:
1954 Robert Dennis
1954 - 1975 George Vouga
1976 - 1986 Frank Kennedy
1987 - 1993 Dennis Baker
1994 -1996 David Hay
1997 - 2006 John Redman
2006 - Jim Smith

In 2013, as a part of the adoption of a new vision, we became known as Pacific Church Network. We desire to encourage, equip and establish churches so they may reach their world for Jesus Christ.  We have a host of training events, retreats, and resources to bring health to our member churches.

Over the years, CBAmerica and CB Southern California have been instrumental in starting various Christian organizations such as Denver Seminary,  Evangelical Christian Credit Union and Pine Summit Christian Camp & Conference Center.  Our CB family still includes CB Chaplaincy, Western Seminary, World Venture, Missions Door, CB Global, and 8 national regional networks in America.

Below are some articles that speak of our history.